Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Will winter ever end?

It has been the coldest March in the UK since 1962.  Normally, by now, I would have dug and tidied the garden, seen all the spring flowers bloom and started cleaning the patio ready for the summer BBQs.  My daffodils have finally bloomed but there is no sign of my tulips.  I think they have drowned.  I have been thinking what to plant in my minute vegetable patch this year.  It needs to be things that won't get eaten by the slugs and can compete with nearby trees and bushes.  I am considering a rhubarb crown - not that I eat a lot of rhubarb but I am sure I can make a few things with it and freeze the rest.  That would half fill the plot, the other half of which currently contains a blueberry bush and a handful of winter cabbage plants that are, at last, coming to life.  I think I will see what happens to the the weather over the next week or two before I decide.

Today I made a sour dough starter as I have wanted to make a sour dough bread for ages.  By pure coincidence, Paul Hollywood was on TV yesterday evening demonstrating his version of such bread. Maybe that has spurred me on to do it at last.  I am quite intrigued by what the bread will taste like.

Today the news is full of the life of Margaret Thatcher who died yesterday.  She was quite a character and, whatever you thought of her politics, she must have been very determined and strong to have become prime minister and stayed in office for 12 years.

Since my semi-retirement last November I have been remarkably busy.  I think my work is likely to quieten down for the next few months so I might have time to try a few new things and think about the rest of my life....who knows?

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