Monday, 22 October 2012

Autumn has arrived

Today, Rod and I had a day off.  After clearing the remains of the willow tree branch from the garden we set off to look at Kenwood Chefs and to buy a few Christmas presents (yes, really!).  I love cooking and have been considering treating myself to a Kenwood Chef as a semi-retirement present to myself.  My thinking is that I will then do more baking and cooking once I have more time on my hands.  I can keep Rod supplied with homemade bread and cookies for work - which might help to keep him happy.  On the way back from the shops we went to Stokes Bay near Gosport to give Lucy a walk on the beach.  We bought some scrummy sandwiches in the nearby cafe and sat in the car to eat them.  By 2:30pm the mist had come down, we could not distinguish the sea from the sky and all we could hear was foghorns! We think it seemed like a pleasant area to visit but will have to go back another day when we can see something of the surroundings! The trees are turning colour and the misty days have started. It seems that Autumn has arrived.

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