What a busy few weeks it has been? We took delivery of the last few items ready for the refurbishment of the en-suite and bathroom just over a week ago and then Phil turned up to start work on Monday 25 Feb as planned. He is now on the last few days of work in the en-suite so this week will be really exciting as it all comes together. It will be nice to be able to have a shower again!!
Here's a few photos of work-in-progress so you get a sneak preview of what the final result will look like:
Phil has been absolutely brilliant and has worked like a trojan. His attention to detail is just the job - I almost think he is more fussy than me....and that's saying something!!
The walls have been painted with 3 coats of paint already but will need another as the ceiling was skimmed a few days ago and we have a little plaster where we don't want it! Later this week, I hope to start work on painting the ceiling but will err on the side of caution as I have read of many people painting too soon and ruining the new plasterwork.